Learn more about the all-new Med School Insiders Casper Course: https://medschoolinsiders.com/casper
Premeds often worry about things like GPA, MCAT, and letters of recommendation when preparing for medical school applications; however, there is an increasingly common metric that you need to be aware of. The Casper test is designed to give medical schools insight into an applicants’ soft skills including empathy, ethics, problem-solving, and collaboration. Although it has been around for many years, it has grown significantly in popularity in recent years and more schools adopt it as a requirement each year.
Beginning with the 2022-2023 application cycle, there will be significant changes to the Casper format. There will be a new video response section in addition to the typed response section that will completely change how you need to prepare.
In this video, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the new Casper test and how to best prepare to maximize your chances of a medical school acceptance.
If you want to maximize your Casper performance with additional sample scenarios, breakdowns, and advanced techniques, check out the brand new Med School Insiders Casper course. The first 100 customers can use coupon code Casper22 for 25% off. Learn more at https://medschoolinsiders.com/casper
🖋Accompanying Blog Post: https://medschoolinsiders.com/pre-med/casper-test-guide/
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00:00 Introduction
01:04 What is Casper and What Does It Test?
01:53 What Medical Schools Require Casper?
02:16 Casper Test Format
03:45 How is the Casper Test Scored?
05:34 How to Prepare for the Casper Test
05:39 Practice the Casper Test Format
06:36 Practice Using If/Then Statements
07:14 Record Yourself and View it Back
08:08 Test Day Tips & Strategies
08:14 Prepare Your Technology
08:52 Mitigate Distractions
09:15 Get in the Right Headspace
Casper Course: https://medschoolinsiders.com/casper
2022 Casper Test Guide: Scoring, Preparation, and FAQs: https://medschoolinsiders.com/pre-med/casper-test-guide/
Which Medical Schools Require Casper: https://medschoolinsiders.com/pre-med/what-medical-schools-require-casper/
Medical School Application Explained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0o4TP9s_SA
10fastfingers: https://10fastfingers.com/typing-test/english
Keybr: https://www.keybr.com/
#premed #casper #medschoolapplication
Disclaimer: Content of this video is my opinion and does not constitute medical advice. The content and associated links provide general information for general educational purposes only. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Kevin Jubbal, M.D. and Med School Insiders LLC will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death. May include affiliate links to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases made through them (at no extra cost to you).
Lucid Dreaming
A lucid dream is a dream during which the dreamer is aware of dreaming. During lucid dreaming, the dreamer may be able to exert some degree of control over the dream characters, narrative, and environment. The term ‘lucid dream’ was coined by Dutch author and psychiatrist Frederik van Eeden in his 1913 article A Study of Dreams,though descriptions of dreamers being aware that they are dreaming predates the term.
Sleeping Through the NightSleep your way to a healthy and fit body. What we do while we are awake is just as important as what happens when we close our eyes to rest for the night. While sleeping might seem like a simple task the truth of the matter is that a lot of people suffer from insomnia and other sleeping disorders.
Why Sleep Will Optimize Your Natural Immune Power, It’s So Easy A Baby Can Do ItThe negatives to Sleep Deprivation and the positives to getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep. And what kind of effect both will have on your natural immune power.
CPAP Machines – Enhancing Restful SleepA nasal pillow mask is fitted right under your nose. You also have the option of choosing a full face mask which will go over your eyes in addition to your nose and mouth. There is also a variation of nose masks which have spikes that go inside your nose. It is important to ensure that the mask is properly sealed so that the air pressure is constant.
The Different Components Of CPAP MachinesContinuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines are used to enable a person that has obstructive sleep apnea to sleep better. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a condition whereby your airway gets blocked when you are sleeping. This blockage is caused when the muscles of the throat relax, making the tissues of the throat and the tongue to block the airway.
Treating Sleep Disorders For Better RestIf you are nursing an injury, having enough rest at night reduces your pain. You will also be in good spirits during the day which helps in having a good relationship with others. Sleeping disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea can cause you not to sleep well which affects your health. CPAP machines are used to ensure that you sleep well despite having a sleeping disorder.
How To Find The Best CPAP Machine For YouObstructive sleep apnea is a condition whereby your airway to gets blocked during sleep. You therefore end up having shallow breaths and you can even stop breathing for a few seconds at a time. When you start breathing again, you may grunt very loudly as the air rushes into your airway.
Effective Therapy For Treating Sleep ApneaThe monitors will help the doctor to determine your heart rate and blood pressure among other things. This test will determine how severe the OSA is and whether CPAP machines will be the most effective treatment for you. The doctor may also try different machines on you in order to recommend the machine that will give you the best results.
How To See Clues That A Person Lacks Sleep With Early Warning of Health IssuesKeep loved ones save and in peak health condition when you know and act on the signs that there one has sleep deprivation. It may even be you. A lack of sleep or insufficient restful sleep can lead to many health and even safety issues. Article discusses all and lists checklist items of importance.
The Right Pillow Can Help You Rest BetterMost people don’t allocate enough hours each night for sleep. Then they don’t sleep well and they wake up tired and irritable.
A Short Nap Can Optimize Your PerformanceThat big reception is coming this evening. It is crucial that you are fully present, alert and engaging for this event. You have to be on your game mentally to impress the dignitaries coming to the event. At around 3:30 PM, you begin to feel fatigued. You search for ways to stay awake and maintain your alertness. That old standby, caffeine, comes to the rescue. The problem is that it wears off and you have to keep consuming it to sustain the effect.
Narcolepsy Medication – Traditional Ideas & 2 Strange Treatments!For normal people they have a sleep life and a life when they are awake. When someone has narcolepsy these 2 lives blend together. Discover treatments for this health problem including 2 strange alternative medicines that can really help.
Sleep Like a Rock With the Perfect MattressMost of us take our mattress for granted. However, a new bed support system can foster better sleep, reduce back pain, and improve bedroom air quality. Exploring new options can be a revelation for those not familiar with technological advances in the industry.
The Secret Guide To Get Your Best Night’s SleepAre you looking for ways to get the best sleep? Check out this ultimate guide on how you can get the best sleep throughout the night.
Sleep Vitamins: Vitamin A is a Proven a Beneficial RemedyWhich vitamins and minerals are the most famous ones for their role in supporting good sleep? These definitely would be calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. For example, a study in the European Neurology Journal tested calcium levels in the blood during sleep and discovered that calcium peaks at a high point during the deepest levels of sleep such as the rapid eye movement phase (REM), when dreaming occurs.